We are so excited to be a part of the list of elite case studies & companies given mention by TelcoBridges Inc. This partnership is a particularly important one for us, as we continue to enhance our VoIP offering.
“We saw a massive gap in the Australian market where there were few providers that we could rely on to deliver quality SIP voice services” noted Anton Thysse, Managing Director at CT Group Solutions.
“Based on their experience, CT Group chose 3CX for their softswitch, hosting instances for each of their clients in their own virtualized cloud infrastructure. To secure and manage trunking traffic from their upstream providers, CT Group needed a virtualized SBC that was scalable, reliable, and available as a subscription.
The Solution
“Initially evaluating TelcoBridges’ FreeSBC as a candidate solution, Anton and his engineers found it a good fit for their network environment and business model. Once it was time to put clients on the network, CT Group upgraded their licenses to ProSBC, adding features, capacity, and support services from TelcoBridges.”
Read the full case study here: freesbc.telcobridges.com/case-study-ct-group/